Psychotherapy & Counselling

Everyone needs support from time to time.
Whatever your current experience,
help is available and change is possible.


How are you?

If you have ever felt down, lonely, anxious or depressed you are not alone. In fact, 30-50% of people suffer mental health issues at some point in their life. These are completely treatable, and you need not suffer in silence.

What would you like help with?

I need help with

Anxiety: when the toast is always burning

Like a sensitive smoke alarm that goes off at the first whiff of burning toast our brain can get trained into responding to a threat that is imagined in the future or is a replay of the past. When this keeps happening our body and brain start to respond as if the danger or threat is happening right now. Our brain wants the threatening situation to go away, so it makes us feel more alert and engages our body to start fighting or fleeing the threat. Once we deal with any real danger our body will return to a comfortable state of relaxation. Anxiety is a normal emotion that's useful when we sense danger. However, the original good intention of self-protection can become unrecognisable when you are losing sleep and losing out on the all the other more interesting things you could do with your attention and time.

I can help you get your calm back

Relationships: they are the glue that binds us

As humans we are all born naturally seeking relationships as part of our evolution to survive. The kind of care you receive in your early years sets up how you relate to yourself, others and the world. Often we don't even think about it - like riding a bike we just do it. In our grown up relationships the early learnings we take on can repeat as patterns ending up in frustration and unsatisfying intimate relationships.

If you want a fresh look at how your relationships are working and want to break free from unhealthy patterns, psychotherapy can coach and illuminate your path to better relationships with yourself and others

Depression: getting help into the light

Do you have a constant feeling of sadness and a loss of interest, which stops you doing your normal activities? We all feel low or down at times, but if your negative emotions last a long time or feel very severe, you may have depression. Depression can happen as a reaction to experiencing something like abuse, bullying or family breakdown, and it can also run in families. Whether it's caused by a reaction to a specific event or a slow erosion of a once happy self it doesn't have to be permanent experience.

Wouldn't it be good to get your meaning and motivation for your life back?

When normal disappears

We are social creatures and the Covid-19 pandemic and the uncertainty of when it will end has led to a slow burning attack on that which is fundamental to our being. You may have found your normal levels of anxiety have increased and the challenge to your mental health impacted negatively during lockdowns. You may also be spending more time together or apart, and even struggling with existing conditions. These can feel like additional threats to your safety and health. Our natural resources for connecting, caring and being there for ourselves and others can get buried in a crisis.

Finding your inner strength and wisdom are necessary skills now and to manage in any time of crisis.

Conflict: fighting with yourself or others

Differences are inevitable, but conflict is optional. Whether with ourselves or with others, or with circumstances, our evolutionary biology often kicks us into flight, fight or immobilisation and we can become detached from what it is we want and our abilities to be resourceful in getting our needs met. If you are find yourself in conflict frequently then psychotherapy can help you negotiate your path through.

You might not believe it yet, but you have the resources to communicate clearly, calm and effectively.

Trauma: getting stuck with what’s happened

Trauma is response to a deeply distressing or disturbing event that overwhelms our ability to cope. This can cause feelings of helplessness, lead to flashbacks and replay of traumatic events and lead to disconnecting from yourself and others in order to cope with the experience. Anyone is susceptible to trauma, old, or young it can be caused indirectly by witnessing, specific events, or developmentally over time. And if that wasn't enough sometimes it can lie dormant and be triggered years later.

Wouldn’t it be good to know you can feel safe and connect with your self and others freely?

Not sure: three good reasons for seeking Counselling & Psychotherapy

Sometimes we just don't have a label. It's not always easy to identify what we think or feel might be troubling us and call it something specific - but we sure know something is not right. If this is the case for you then maybe you can connect with the broad idea that your current suffering is connected with one of three things - confusion, conflict or deficit (or a combination of all three). If the pain of these outstrip your ability to cope then seeking help is a great move.

You can think clearly and get what you need calmly.

To start the conversation click here

Anxiety: when the toast is always burning

Like a sensitive smoke alarm that goes off at the first whiff of burning toast our brain can get trained into responding to a threat that is imagined in the future or is a replay of the past. When this keeps happening our body and brain start to respond as if the danger or threat is happening right now. Our brain wants the threatening situation to go away, so it makes us feel more alert and engages our body to start fighting or fleeing the threat. Once we deal with any real danger our body will return to a comfortable state of relaxation. Anxiety is a normal emotion that's useful when we sense danger. However, the original good intention of self-protection can become unrecognisable when you are losing sleep and losing out on the all the other more interesting things you could do with your attention and time.

I can help you get your calm back

To start the conservation click here

Relationships: they are the glue that binds us

As humans we are all born naturally seeking relationships as part of our evolution to survive. The kind of care you receive in your early years sets up how you relate to yourself, others and the world. Often we don't even think about it - like riding a bike we just do it. In our grown up relationships the early learnings we take on can repeat as patterns ending up in frustration and unsatisfying intimate relationships.

If you want a fresh look at how your relationships are working and want to break free from unhealthy patterns, psychotherapy can coach and illuminate your path to better relationships with yourself and others

To start the conservation click here

Depression: getting help into the light

Do you have a constant feeling of sadness and a loss of interest, which stops you doing your normal activities? We all feel low or down at times, but if your negative emotions last a long time or feel very severe, you may have depression. Depression can happen as a reaction to experiencing something like abuse, bullying or family breakdown, and it can also run in families. Whether it's caused by a reaction to a specific event or a slow erosion of a once happy self it doesn't have to be permanent experience.

Wouldn't it be good to get your meaning and motivation for your life back?

To start the conservation click here

When normal disappears

We are social creatures and the Covid-19 pandemic and the uncertainty of when it will end has led to a slow burning attack on that which is fundamental to our being. You may have found your normal levels of anxiety have increased and the challenge to your mental health impacted negatively during lockdowns. You may also be spending more time together or apart, and even struggling with existing conditions. These can feel like additional threats to your safety and health. Our natural resources for connecting, caring and being there for ourselves and others can get buried in a crisis.

Finding your inner strength and wisdom are necessary skills now and to manage in any time of crisis.

To start the conservation click here

Conflict: fighting with yourself or others

Differences are inevitable, but conflict is optional. Whether with ourselves or with others, or with circumstances, our evolutionary biology often kicks us into flight, fight or immobilisation and we can become detached from what it is we want and our abilities to be resourceful in getting our needs met. If you are find yourself in conflict frequently then psychotherapy can help you negotiate your path through.

You might not believe it yet, but you have the resources to communicate clearly, calm and effectively.

To start the conservation click here

Trauma: getting stuck with what’s happened

Trauma is response to a deeply distressing or disturbing event that overwhelms our ability to cope. This can cause feelings of helplessness, lead to flashbacks and replay of traumatic events and lead to disconnecting from yourself and others in order to cope with the experience. Anyone is susceptible to trauma, old, or young it can be caused indirectly by witnessing, specific events, or developmentally over time. And if that wasn't enough sometimes it can lie dormant and be triggered years later.

Wouldn’t it be good to know you can feel safe and connect with your self and others freely?

To start the conservation click here

Not sure: three good reasons for seeking Counselling & Psychotherapy

Sometimes we just don't have a label. It's not always easy to identify what we think or feel might be troubling us and call it something specific - but we sure know something is not right. If this is the case for you then maybe you can connect with the broad idea that your current suffering is connected with one of three things - confusion, conflict or deficit (or a combination of all three). If the pain of these outstrip your ability to cope then seeking help is a great move.

You can think clearly and get what you need calmly.

To start the conservation click here

Start the conversation

If you would like to talk about working together and are feeling phone shy, please click the button below to fill out a form and leave a message. I will get back in touch with you in the next 24hrs.